25 May 2022
This morning, Pre-Kinder-Year 2 Fahan students joined a record number of children across Australia, New Zealand and around the world reading the same book at the same time, as part of the Australian Library and Information Association’s (ALIA) National Simultaneous Storytime (NSS) 2022. Our Head of Junior School, Tania Gath read the delightful story, Family Tree written by award winning Australian singer-songwriter and children’s book author Josh Pyke. The beautiful story captivated the girls and created great conversation about their experiences and shared what a family tree means to them.
Following storytime, students met within their vertical groups for an activity. Some of the of the activities were: Leaf imprints, making nature crowns, iPad and Stylus drawing, sketching, planting seeds and painting leaves.
The morning was filled with a great sense of excitement and feeling part of a wonderful reading community. Thank you to our teachers who coordinated such a fun event to celebrate the wonderful world of reading together.