Senior School Winter Sports Day

04 July 2024

Published in

alumni, parents, staff, students

Yesterday, students from Years 7-12 took part in the annual Winter Sports Day, showcasing Fahan's vibrant House sporting spirit. The crisp, sunny weather was perfect for various the sports played including: AFL, netball, volleyball, basketball, diamond cricket, dodgeball, flags, mountain biking, bocce, and tug of war. A highlight was the Staff v Year 12 soccer match during lunch where the staff secured a fourth consecutive win with a 5-1 victory (despite a last ditch effort from Year 10 referee, Jaden Goodey who, with two minutes to go, removed staff from the field!). Thank you to Mrs Jo Banks-Smith for her dedicated efforts in organising such a fantastic event along with Year 12 Sports Chair, Prue Clarke. Congratulations to all those who were involved as their contributions made the Winter Sports Day a super success.

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