09 April 2014
On Saturday 5 April Fahan rowers competed in Head of the River regatta at Lake Barrington.
More than 8000 people attended the event in the North-West, which featured 81 races, with the majority of rowers being female.
Both our Under 16 Girls Four and Under 13 Girls Quad Skull rowed their way to victories at this competitive regatta.
Our Under 13s took out wins in each of the three divisions of their Quad Sculls in a remarkable demonstration of their skill.
Our Fahan Eight finished third in the main event of the afternoon, the Head of the River, with a wonderful row.
Congratulations to all our Fahan rowers and a special thank you to our rowing coaches, captains and rowing families all of whose ongoing support and enthusiasm allows the girls to achieve such wonderful results.
Images kindly provided by Barry Irons.